Tomerlin Knowledge Center

Epicor Modules

Advanced Manufacturing Execution System

Manufacturing Gains with Advanced MES

The reasons to use Epicor Kinetic Advanced MES integration are:

  • Accurate Machine Performance Analysis
  • Increased Capacity
  • Real-time Production Visibility
  • Increased Schedule Adherence
  • Improved Process Efficiency and Quality
  • Responsive Preventative Maintenance

Exporting Data from Advanced MES to Epicor ERP

In Advanced MES, production labor data is regularly exported, based on a schedule you define in the Advanced MES. Data is exported into a file  containing labor data records. You can perform five types of labor exports:

  • Labor Details export
  • Labor Co-Parts and the quantity completed
  • Equipment counter associated with reported quantities
  • Scheduling parameter

Importing Data from Epicor Kinetic ERP to Advanced MES

You can import data such as Tool IDs, Part IDs, Down Codes, Scrap Codes, Process Sheets, Job Descriptors, preventative maintenance jobs and operators into Mattec MES.