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Knowledge-Modules-EDI Demand

Tomerlin Knowledge Center

Epicor® ADVANCED Modules

Epicor® EDI Demand Management

What is EDI Demand Management, and why should you use it?

Epicor® Kinetic EDI Demand Management will enable you to receive electronic demand information from your customer. As you process this information, Epicor can auto-create the necessary sales orders acknowledgments, forecasts, shipping, and invoice documents, and in turn, send the required information back to your trading partners via outbound EDI transactions.

If you need EDI Demand Management in your business, contact Tomerlin-ERP today. We have the staff you will need for installation, implementation, and training.

Typical EDI Demand Management Process Flow

  • The following section contains an example of typical processing for flow for an inbound EDI transaction you receive from a customer trading partner. This workflow usually involves performing the following tasks:
  • Defining the Trading Partner in Customer Maintenance
  • Entering a Demand Contract
  • Processing Inbound Transactions Using the (Direct) Import EDI Demand Process
  • Correcting Errors using Demand Workbench
  • Automated and Manual Demand Entry Processing
  • Generating Outbound EDI Transactions

Automated and Manual Demand Entry Processing

You can create user-defined rules that designate if inbound demand should be automatically or manually processed for specific types of inbound EDI transactions.

  •  If set to Always Accept, the Epicor application automatically processes demand for this customer trading partner, regardless of failed validations/rejections in the inbound EDI document. Use simplified auto-complete or structured Boolean search. If set to Accept If No Errors, the Epicor application automatically processes demand and immediately generates sales order and forecast entries for this customer trading partner, regardless only if there are no failed validations/rejections in the inbound EDI document. It handles rejected demand records in the same manner as automated processing.



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