Tomerlin-ERP Blog

Benefits of Epicor® Kinetic EDI

by | Jul 16, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Epicor® EDI Demand Management

Maintaining accuracy and efficiency when exchanging data between companies is imperative to ensuring compliance and meeting your customers’ needs. This is where EDI comes in. EDI, or Electronic Data Interchange, transmits data between organizations by electronic means without human intervention.

Many companies continue to use outdated and manual methods of exchanging data, such as faxing and mailing paper documents. This results in costly errors and delays. With Epicor’s EDI solution, users can enjoy an array of benefits that protect business data and accelerate processes.

Tomerlin-ERP offers Epicor® Kinetic EDI training.

Below are three of the primary benefits EDI can bring to your business:


When manually processing documents, there is a good chance you will accidentally key in the wrong information at some point. You do not have to expose your data entry to this risk with EDI. With EDI, computer systems process information with little human intervention, decreasing the probability of human input error. Furthermore, both the sender’s and receiver’s EDI systems will check documents for accuracy, further mitigating this risk. This increased accuracy reduces the chance of transmitting incorrect information to customers and suppliers or failing to comply with regulations.


Purchase orders, invoices, inventory information, shipping documents, etc—there’s a good chance you are creating hundreds of pages of documents and more every day. Then, you take additional time to send those documents to other businesses. Electronic data interchange directly transmits files in bulk without any tedious steps. As a result, EDI orders can be processed much faster, whereas dispatching paper orders can take up to 10 days for end-to-end processing. Employees should be making better use of their time.

Your workplace also does not have to undergo the decision-making and follow-up activities required of exchanging documents via email. EDI documents arrive on a set schedule, cutting out the middleman and requiring less labor. With an unlimited amount of documentation flowing seamlessly between companies, your business transactions and other processes will move along faster, improving overall efficiency.


Enterprises need to cut costs wherever possible. EDI eliminates many of the costs associated with paper-based document sharing. Supply Chain Insights found that manually processing orders can cost over $70, but with EDI automation, processing that same order is reduced to pennies per document. On top of that, any error in your document exchange can cost you extra to fix. EDI saves your company from encountering unnecessary expenses by reducing errors and automating processes.

What’s Next?

Don’t waste any more time and money on manually exchanging essential documents. Epicor’s Kinetic EDI solution can be integrated with your Epicor Kinetic ERP software to create an all-inclusive system meeting your enterprise requirements. To start optimizing your efficiency, contact Tomerlin-ERP. Tomerlin-ERP possesses a comprehensive understanding of Epicor Kinetic’s features and products, including EDI Managed Service On-Demand. With their unmatched expertise, we’ll help transform your business with Epicor solutions!