Epicor® Kinetic Mobile Warehouse provides several features to help you organize and grow your business. Choosing the right technology for your business can make the difference between thriving or barely surviving.
Keep reading this guide as we take you through some of Epicor Mobile Warehouse’s best features to offer you and your company.
Customizable Settings
Some software programs are one-size-fits-all, but that won’t work for most businesses. After all, your company is unique, and what works for other companies won’t necessarily work for yours.
That’s one of the things we love about Epicor Kinetic Mobile Warehouse. It has many customizable settings that you can use to set up your software program in a way that works for you.
Some of the settings you can customize include:
- Roaming
- Receipts
- Labor
- Shipping
- Proof of delivery
- Barcodes
- Issues and returns
If you’re not sure how you should set up your ERP software, consider using an Epicor® Kinetic consultant that can help you figure out which settings will work best for your company and aid in the implementation process.
Multiple Trackers
Epicor Mobile Warehouse has several trackers that allow you to keep data organized. When you can quickly pull up the exact information you need, it saves you time and money.
Let’s dig into a few of the trackers this ERP software program has to offer you.
Bin Tracker
If you need to know what’s inside of a specific bin in the warehouse, opening it up is one option, but that could take quite a bit of time to remove everything to see if it contains what you’re looking for.
Instead, you can use the bin tracker tool to scan a bin or enter the bin number. Then, you’ll get a read-out of everything currently in the bin and everything that’s already been removed from it.
Part Tracker
Another option for finding specific items within the warehouse is to use the Part Tracker. With this tool, you’ll start by searching for the part by its number. Then, you’ll get detailed information about its location.
Transaction Tracker
For the success of your business, you need to keep track of all of the transactions that happen for materials coming in and parts going out. An easy way to do this is with the transaction tracker.
You can look at all the transactions within a specific period and filter the list so you can see a select few based on what you need to do with them. From there, it’s easy to get all of the data about each transaction.
Job Tracker
One of the most valuable trackers will let you see all the assemblies, materials, operations, and resources going into a particular job. It can help you prioritize specific jobs and plan your manufacturing based on due dates and available supplies.
Labor Tools
Keeping track of your employees and their work can be challenging to own a business. However, if you want your company to thrive, you need to ensure everyone on your payroll is doing their job.
When you can track labor in the same place as everything else, it helps streamline your business, so you’re not wasting time switching between programs, nor will you have to learn a different program to track labor.
With Epicor Mobile Warehouse, employees can clock in, see their work queue, and more. They can do all of that without leaving the program, giving productivity a boost when employees can jump right into their workday.
Inventory Tracking
Another essential thing you need to track as a business owner is your inventory. If things start going missing or aren’t arriving, that’s money lost and could quickly lead to lost customers and revenue.
There are easy and difficult methods for tracking inventory. If you want an easy way to keep everything organized, Epicor Kinetic Mobile Warehouse is a great option.
With just a few clicks, you can easily make adjustments to your inventory, note where it’s been moved to, and see precisely what you have on hand.
You can also set up alerts so you know when you’re getting low on certain items so you can order more. This helps you provide better customer service and avoids downtime because of a lack of materials.
Shipping and Receiving Assistance
With what you have on hand, you also need to know what’s coming in and what’s going out. After all, the foundation of your business is ensuring that your customers are receiving orders from you.
Epicor Mobile Warehouse helps streamline both of these processes. Let’s take a closer look at some of the features it offers for each of these aspects of your business.
When shipping items out, a few features will assist you. These include:
- Confirm customer shipping
- Custom shipment creation
- Creation of pick lists
- Transfer order (TFO) shipments
You can also use the Master Pack tool to group shipment packs together to save on shipping and provide better customer service.
As you receive items, you also need to be sure each shipment is being recorded and that your inventory ends up where it should.
Here are some features that assist with receiving:
- Receipt of containers
- Transfer order receipts
- Job receipts
Epicor Mobile Warehouse also creates a paper trail to follow your inventory and make it less likely for materials to disappear. And, when there are discrepancies, it’s easier to locate them and resolve the issue.
Learn More About Epicor Kinetic Mobile Warehouse
Now you know some of the features offered by Epicor Kinetic Mobile Warehouse. As you can see, this software program provides everything you need to successfully run your business so you can keep it all in one place.
Contact us today if you want to learn more about how Epicor® software programs can help you improve your bottom line. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.